Heinrich Domino Theory states that an accident/ injury is the result of 5 factors in sequence. Or in other words accident is the result of factors that precedes it.
Ancestry/ Environment
Character, trait or personality in a person such as tendency to steel, tendency to lie, tendency to cheat, aggression, tendency for violence, attitude, arrogance, ignorance, nervousness etc. are the result of the environment in which the person grew up in or the standard of education received or not received and also the characters/ traits inherited from one generation to an another (DNA).
These traits/ character/ personalities lead to the next factor which is "Fault in a person".
Fault in a person
Fault in a person as mentioned above are the traits or personalities of a person which are developed either through the environment in which the person grew up in or has been received through DNA (hereditary transfer).
These negative traits results in the person committing unsafe acts which in turn results in unsafe conditions which is the next factor/ domino in the Heinrichs domino theory.
Unsafe Act/ Conditions
Unsafe acts committed due to "faults in a person" results in unsafe conditions.
Some of the examples of unsafe conditions are standing in the line of fire, removing machinery safeguards, bypassing or violating safety instructions, not wearing adequate PPE etc.
These unsafe acts/ conditions lead to incidents.
Incidents are unplanned, unwanted event that has led to injury, damage or loss.
Some of the examples of accidents are struck my moving object/ vehicle, struck by flying object, fall from height etc.
Cuts, lacerations, fractures, broken bones, amputations etc are some of the examples of injuries caused due to an accident.
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