1. Economic climate
Nowadays financial and economic climate has increased drastically increasing business production causing business conflicts and competition for production and profits with their fellow peers. This increased competition and profit focus has removed any recommendation for health and safety improvement. Hence the requirement for a health and safety management system so as to maintain a required minimum standard at the workplace.
2. Risk Profiling
Risk profiling is nothing but identifying the risks of the workplace and categorizing those risks according to the threat that it poses.
By categorizing the risks an organization can understand the adverse scenario that can arise and can estimate the costs associated with each risk.
In addition to that an organization can take appropriate control measures in reducing these risks to reasonably low as possible.
3. Globalization
Globalization has had great and drastic effect on industrialization. Because of globalization now workers and employees have a wide variety of jobs to choose from and now they can choose jobs that are safe and provides more welfare facilities and thus avoid jobs like mining, farming, logging etc that has more risks and hazards. Because of these reasons, employers must raise their health and safety standards to attract more employees.
4. Migrant workers
Migrant workers are the core of any organization whether national or international. They have provided profit for both local as well as international business. Unfortunately these are the group that gets most effected and exploited. So OHS has issued many rules and regulations that ensures the safety and well being of the migrant workers. Also their safety ensures the productivity of an organization. Hence it is the duty of an organization to make sure that the health and safety standards of their workplace is high and meet the minimum requirements.
5. Sickness Absenteeism
Absenteeism from work due to ill health or sickness can lead to a mass public issue and can result in a financial loss for the society. So every organization must make sure that their safety standards are high and their worker/ employees does not fall ill due to the poor health and safety standards in place.
6. Social expectation for equality and against discrimination
Social expectations for equality and discrimination against colour, race, religion, sex and culture is an another social reason for the implementation of health and safety management system. There are rules in the national policy and legislations starting from single sentence to in depth details and explanations that are in place to maintain equality in the workplace and protect employees against discrimination.